What I Wore To Work This Week

"... I woke up this morning, smiled at the raising sun..." - Bob Marley

Finding a cool outfit (temperature-wise) is very difficult in the current heatwave we are experiencing in Britain. We are just not used to this heat in the country, so our work wear has not been purchased with this in mind. 

Of course, most corporate offices have air-conditioning, however this does not eliminate the heat from our lives. Air conditioning causes a mini-war in my office, people are either too cold or not cold enough, meaning the air conditioning is pretty much non-existent - I'm pretty sure this must be a common issue. And if you do not experience this, then there is the commute to work, the hustle and bustle in the Tube Stations, the walk to work, etc. 

M O N D A Y    3 0 T H    J U L Y 

Shop This Look 
Dress: Similar - Shein
Bracelet - Bangkok Market

T U E S D A Y    3 1 T H    J U L Y 

Shop This Look: 
Pinafore: New Look
Necklace: Honu 

W E D N E S D A Y    1 S T    A U G U S T 

Shop This Look:
 Bodysuit: New Look
Trousers: Zara

T H U R S D A Y    2 N D    A U G U S T 


Shop The Look: 
Blouse: Zara
Trousers:  New Look 

F R I D A Y    3 R D    A U G U S T 

Shop This Look:
Top: Asos
Trousers: Zara

Hope this helps you to plan your work outfits for this week! 

Speak soon lovelies - Saveena x
